

Saturday, March 3, 2012

63/366: leehom

I guess today I've been sadden by the fact that I've missed out on Lee Hom's concert. Been trying to hold my composure all week, by comforting myself for missing out, and not winning any tickets.

Do you know how expensive his tickets are, and that the cheapest has been sold out ? With others selling fast ?!!! Not every artist can manage to pull such a big crowd for Stadium Merdeka !!! Ahhhh.

The most shocking part was that the VIP tickets which is not for sale publicly, was selling in forums here and there for RM800....

Why is it that it's only upon nearing his concert that I became a bigger and bigger fan each day?

My Tweet - Will start saving up to buy the best ticket for whenever I get to see Lee Hom :') Probably need RM1000 as his ticket value rises ahhh

On the other hand, this video (CLICK!) which is also the one on the picture, has melted my heart and made me cry at the end! Super meaningful, and touching video.

I feel hope for forever love :')



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