


193/366: dead

Today we finally finished clearing the old house.. Including bringing the fishes over..

Honestly I never expected them to leave.. As u can see from the picture, the 2 fishes floating on top are already dead. The 1 on the bottom was still alive.

But as I'm writing this, the only 1 left is already floating... Yet still breathing. The way he(or she) is fighting for his life really, really touches me.


So I drafted the above around evening... And right now I have to tell you the last fish lost its battle.

The hardest part is seeing someone die right in front of your eyes.

As we were clearing my late grandpa's old stuff.. I couldn't take it. Although he has so little things.

I guess the hardest part of letting go of someone who has left... Is when you come into contact with things that triggers your whole being into remembering them. Fragments of memories..... everywhere.

Appreciate everyone.
Including your beloved animals :')

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190/366: ET

Lemme explain counter clockwise!

1. Went to KLCC for the 2nd time this year. It's wow, because I've been there less than 10 times my whole life! Time to camouflage myself as a tourist.

2. The main purpose was to watch a family orchestra called "Orchestra from Planet X"! Super funny because it's catered to family, which means loads of kids, hence there were 2 mime performers as Aliens to shake up the usual serious, quiet audience. 2nd time seeing MPO after years. Great performance. Inspired once more...... Happy to have got the chance to watch an orchestra with the whole fam for the first time.

3. Then we ate 50% off price' dimsum @ spring garden! It's funny because after 50% off, it's still equivalent to 100% dimsum' price in Subang. Oh and that's the orchestra ticket I deemed cool to be placed beside the pork bun.

4. Beautiful lighting after entering the main entrance of KLCC!!

5. I've been wearing brown contact lens for the first time since a couple of days ago. You probably can't see it but it's interesting.

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189/366: dreams


Meet Sam, Alicia, and Grace.
Together their initials spell G.A.S.!


Great evening attending church service with them, & I signed up for Emerge KL 2012 with Aly, I'm slowly getting stoked about it !

We ate Thai food, Grace bought muruku(s), then we wandered in Mr.D.I.Y., and talked (and laughed) endlessly about the most random things. It's just plain, cosy company to me!


This morning I've also been catching up through email/fb msg/sms (consecutively) with 1 friend who's currently in U.S., 1 friend who came back from the states, and another who came back from Aussie.

I don't know how to describe this but as I push myself out of my comfort zone to meet new people, and to connect with old friends that are beginning to scatter globally....... It's wow, because listening to and talking about stories, and dreams; situations, and opportunities: really empowers me. Sounds weird but I'm just learning a lot.

2012, I've been taking everything as a learning process, and I'm really grateful that God pushes me for my good, and I'm slowly heading towards who I'm called to be.

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187/366: magical

(picture will be uploaded as soon)

tonight has been the most magical night, and if i don't write now, i fear i may forget what i'm feeling this instance, and whatever post after this attempting to describe what i feel now, could not match thence

death cab for cutie's transatlanticism is calming me,
as my fingers knit these
this song will never get old,
it's beauty transcends a thousand pop songs

to sum it all up i feel very blessed because of the small things that happened today
just grateful
through the tiny things that our love ones do
we can actually find blots and blots of care and love, all in disguise

bible study this morning, the hunger for God's word is growing incredibly
the piano tuner came after, i conclude that he's the best tuner i've met
my evening was spent admiring sunset, taking pictures with a simple camera that produced an amazing documentation of the wonderful moment spent
simple, affordable, fantastical thai dinner @ ihadthai, taipan

05072012, this special day was enchanted

& also because reading this just blew me away
the fuel driven to pursue one's passion, simply amazing

i'm so full of inspiration right now
as you've come to the end of this post, i intend to leave you nothing but hope

that if you have a massive dream, go for it
and if you're thinking of ending your life, don't.
until you're meant to

life and everything life has to offer.

i'm ready.

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186/366: pumpkin

I'm sorry to say I will always dread consuming pumpkin.

I'm delighted to say that I will always anticipate munching onto garlic bread.

By pumpkin I mean, pumpkin soup, pumpkin desert, pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread.......

& by garlic I also mean raw garlic, steam garlic, fried garlic.....

And you've just wasted about a minute(or less) of your time reading this totally useless post!

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185/366: alan

This picture is incredibly hilarious to my brother and I.... because he took it and he claims that my facial expression is somewhat similar to one of the trollface expression!

Daddy's birthday today.
Dimsum in a big restaurant with only us as customers (pretty cool).
Dinner at home with champagne which I could only stand a sip (ha).
RT Cheesecake with an extremely rich cheesy taste.

all these but most memorably:

Laughter and inside jokes that only my family understands.



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184/366: knock

i've been driving a tiny bit lately.. and today i, myself, caused my, first knock for overestimating the space (in contact with the house gate, while trying to reverse in).............. literally in 'sad face' mood now.

so this is how it feels like after your first bump.

i need to buck up on my "reverse(s)" and parkings !

(i can't let my younger brother laugh at me anymore)

p/s: he literally came to the 'rescue' by directing me how to turn when i got panic........ ahhh, embarrassed now..

(runs and buries face in a hole)

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183/366: apps

(01.07.2012, Sunday)

so i'm deleting all these apps till i need 'em again.... app' spring cleaning lol !

the most apps i have are related to photography.

so hard to delete even one of those.


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182/366: stories

(30.06.2012, Sat)

What's your story?

Everyone has one.
Or tons.

Today I am greatly reminded that everyone's life story is so uniquely personal.. And being able to meet different kinds of people who share various stories... Is just plain amazing.

Some people are like an open book, and some a reserved soul. Either way everyone's incredible, just because.

Cheers to the beautiful strangers that we are bound to meet!

p/s: meet my super lame, yet amazing neighbour, Sam! :D


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